So, I have waited and waited, and I have no idea what finally posessed me to actually create my own livejournal. I mean here i am having space on DeviantArt and on Blurty, but not on LJ. I suppose it may have something to do with the fact that everyone i know has a live journal and now i do too. Plus so does my wonderful GF Bex and I can friend her and whatnot, and that makes her happy.
The thing that is kind of dunb is that I choose to sit and write when i am tired and really should be in bed. But I guess bed can wait since we decided to take the morning off tomorrow. So let me explain, I am working at the Weathervane Theatre in Whitefield, NH. I am the master electrician and sound engineer. It is a fun job, we will eventually have seven shows open in rotating repertory, which is fun, but a lot of work. I am looking forward to next week when Aida opens, not only because i think it is a great show, but because we have a week without any openings! So we get a little respit, but not much.
My Bexy just got back today from the funeral for her great aunt. She seems to be doing fine, and she inherited a pretty ring (along with some other things i am sure, that i just don’t know about yet). Her family is coming up to see a show and visit us at the theatre. I don’t think that they are staying long wnough, but such is life. it just seems odd that they wouldn’t want to spend more then just over a day. But i suppose, such is life.
Well, for now me thinks it is time for bed.
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