Hosting Issues: Need Your Help

So, I have been having some ongoing issues with hosting of my blog and some my fiancee’s and my other sites.  We are in the playing with migrating web hosts and I have move some sites to a new host already.  Suffice it to say, this weekend was an interesting weekend.  I learned that even with the great support that my original host claimed to have, they were not very impressive. I might write a real review later after we decide if we want to complete the migration or not.  I have 30 days to decide if I want to stay with the new host or not.

It just really bugged me that even though I got right through to a real person on the phone, there was nothing they could do to help me except tell me to email support.  I couldn’t get a direct contact information for one person to deal with, so there was never a time when one hand knew what the other was doing.  All a big mess really.

So, what does that mean?  Well, what would be really great is if some of my readers would take a couple minutes and poke around through the blog and tell me if they see anything not working right or if things are silly slow or anything.  Basically, I just need more eyes than my own to look at things and give feedback, it will help me to figure out if it is worth staying with the new host or if I should leave things as they were. Besides, you might find an old post that you like!

I appreciate the help!






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