Stage Manager’s Log
M.S. Prinsendam
Friday, July 7, 2006
Copenhagen, Denmark
Today was a nice day. I got up in time to catch the tail end of continental breakfast, which is fine by me. I ran into Peter, Chris, and Paul at breakfast so I sat and ate with them. We talked about what Paul was going to do for his show, and how to try to make light of the fact that the airlines lost his show. We also set up some rehearsal time in the evening.
After breakfast I spent a little time trying to figure out what I was going to do today, and eventually I just decided to get off the ship and go and see what happened. So I changed into street clothes and left the ship a little before 1200. I didn’t have any plan, I just took the map and started walking. One thing that I realized very quickly is that Copenhagen has a lot of statues and sculptures.
The first stop on my random self guided tour was the Little Mermaid statue, which was about a 10 minute walk from the ship. I hear that they are going to be moving that statue a little farther out into water to deter vandals, as it has been defaced many times. Next up was a pretty spectacular fountain, the name of which I don’t remember. I kept walking until I found myself in the square in front of one of the royal palaces. I had some pretty fortuitous timing as at 1200 is the changing of the guard, so I got to see that take place. it is very interesting, and people line the square to watch.
I kept on walking down towards the center of town and the two main canals. After walking through the major center I ran into Ashley, who was on his way back from Tivoli Gardens. He pointed me in the direction of some other interesting things to see, so I continued on my way. The architecture in Copenhagen is very interesting; it is a mixture of new buildings and old. Many of the buildings like city hall are still the original buildings.
I walked all the way down to Tivoli Gardens, but I didn’t go in. They say that the amusement park at Tivoli was the inspiration for Disney Land. I looped back up towards the center of town by way of one of the major walking streets. that was pretty typical European with modern shops. It was a very busy place, lots of people the entire way. During this week there is a big jazz festival in Copenhagen so there are a lot of people there.
As I continued my walk back towards the ship I ran into some passengers who were lost, so I helped the find their way back as well. I had a late lunch when I got back to the ship, and then got ready for the Mariners Party. We had mariners, then rehearsal and then Mariners for the second seating guests, and then showtime. I think Paul did very well, all things considered.
After Paul’s show we had the Filipino Crew Show which went like it always does. I checked the ship email before heading down to my cabin and found that Seattle had finally sent the updated lights for Broadway in Concert so I went to find Chris to tell him we could do the new show. it should be fine. After that I headed off to bed.
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