Bloggerstock: The Internet Ate My…

Welcome one and all to the first official Bloggerstock blog swap/blog ring/blog “round robin” or whatever you want to call it.  Today you will be reading a guest post by Bobby from Inside the Mind of Booya.  All of the posts today are by the Bloggerstock founders, so if you have the chance, please check out their blogs.  You can get a listing at the Bloggerstock webpage via the link above.  If you are looking for my post, you can find it over on Scott’s blog.  So, without further ado: The Internet ate My….

…gaming! What the frak is wrong with my lately? I use to play games almost all the time except weekends. Now it just, blah. I’m not saying I’m burnt out on gaming. It just I been watching/catching up with some shows lately. Thanks to Hulu and Netflix streaming. I been catching up on Legend of the Seeker on Netflix. Watching stand up comedians like Richard Pryor, Daniel Tosh and Frank Caliendo. What else on the internet is eating up my gaming time? Ohhhh yeah their Revision 3. Thanks Diggnation for getting me hooked on your show. Since all their shows are game and technology related, I try to watch each show. But I’m mostly addicted to Diggnation. Drinking plus Digg stories he hilarious show. Then you got the Totaly Rad Show and Tekzilla.

Also I been trying out Plants vs Zombies. Don’t see what so addicting to Plants vs Zombies. I played the first 5 levels and wasn’t wowed by it. It is a cute concept. I did like bowling the potatos into the zombies. That should be a game of it own. I love Bejeweled from Pop Cap. Just don’t know if I wanna spend $20 for it. Ugh should of bought it when Pop Cap hads a 50% off sale on all their games. The We Rule game for the Ipad? Yeah I like to try that. Sadly there no PC version. I love sim games except for The Sims. I will not play that game! If I had a ipad, all my xbox gaming would be non existence. I’ll be surfing the intrawebs, watching porn on my ipad.

It also doesn’t help that my favorite podcaster Leo Laporte has a show almost everyday. Seriously he does 5 days of live podcasts that run for 6 hours. I plan on watching all 6 of those hours because those shows are funny yet informative. He got This Week in Tech, This Week in Google, The Tech Guy, Macbreak Weekly, Windows Weekly, Munchcast, Net@night and The Daily Giz Wiz. Like I said, I like all his shows. To bad i didn’t find out about this years ago. So yeah in a nutshell, the internet is eating my gaming time. Will I be able to break this internet curse? I sure hope so.






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