Ever summer since 1994 save for three I have been at summer camp. I have blogged plenty about camp in the past so it shouldn’t be hard to tell that I love camp. I was a camper at one camp (Yavneh), and a counselor at two (Micah then Indian/Forest Acres). This summer I am heading back to IA/FA as I had planned all year despite the fact that we have an extra month of work at the theatre and I won’t get to camp until a little bit late. It is a bummer, but it isn’t the end of the world.
The interesting thing is that just this past weekend Indian and Forest Acres changed owners. For the past couple years the camp was owned by friends of my family who have now sold the camp back to one of the previous owners. This of course is a very interesting set of conditions. I know the “new” owner as I worked with him the first summer I was at IA/FA. I even played guitar with him at campfire. He is a good guy and I am sure that camp will do well back under his direction. At the same time I am sad that our friend is leaving this camp. I am sure there are mixed feelings about the change in command throughout the camp community.
In some ways, it seems like an odd time to make a move like this, only a few short weeks before camp starts. It shouldn’t really affect anything like staffing or enrollment for this summer as that should mostly be finalized. It will affect the day-to-day operation of camp over the summer, hopefully in a good way. IA/FA had deep rooted traditions in their 85+ year history and as long as there is someone at the helm that understands those traditions camp will be great. The new owner certainly is someone who understand the nature of camp.
The most important thing of course is the kids. The younger kids who didn’t know the “new” owner before probably won’t really know the difference. In some ways the owner director doesn’t matter as much to the younger kids. The older kids who have been at camp for more than four years will probably see/feel more of an impact. However, as long as the staff gives them a great summer with lots of great activities, it will be great for them. While I am there for the kids, it is good to know that the good friends that I have on the staff will almost all be back for another summer so it should be great for everyone.
No matter what it will be a busy summer. Between the extra show, camp, and planning a wedding I am sure that I will not want for something to do!
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