Well, this post has been a long time coming. One might even say four years in the making, though I have also delayed writing it for a few weeks. Of what am I talking you ask? Well, over the holidays Ruth (my girlfriend of four years) and I got engaged. As a box in a box under her grandmother’s Christmas tree is where she found the ring. Everyone was pretty excited, especially her grandmother, who thought it was wonderful that I decided to “pop the question” in her home.
The reason that I have not posted about it before now was that we wanted to make sure that our closest friends and family heard from us and not from our blogs or Facebook. Just remember who we needed to call was not the easiest thing to do.
So, now we have begun the amazingly difficult process of planning a wedding. It is going to be a lot of work and a lot of pulling hair, but I think it will end up being a lot of fun. We created a website for us where we will try to keep track of the process and keep our friends and family up to date. That can be found at http://wedding.ruthandalex.info.
That is about all I have at the moment. More soon I am sure.
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