Yes friends, that is how I spent my day off today. After a week of hot and sweaty weather, Ruth an I jumped in the truck and headed for Cape Elizabeth for some scuba diving. This is certainly the way to beat the heat, with the water temperature dropping as low as 55˚F at our deepest depth of 32 feet. It is a little chilly at first, then you get used to it, and then later on you start to feel cold, but it sure was better than being out in the hot and muggy weather!
We had a very successful dive day today. We visited a different dive shop than where we went last week and they were much nicer and friendlier. We will probably visit them again for our future diving needs while we are here in Maine. The whole experience in their shop was better and I think that it set a much better tone for the rest of the day.
When we got to the dive site we saw another pair of divers who were just coming back in. One of them was dragging what appeared to be a pretty old boat anchor crusted in barnacles and such. It was actually pretty impressive that this guy had lugged it all the way back from wherever he found it. It could not have been easy since it looked pretty heavy! They told us the conditions were pretty good and we gave them a hand getting back up the beach to their car before we suited up to dive.
Everything about our dive day went really smoothly. We got in and acclimated to the water, swam out and really had no issues getting down, equalized and on our way. We saw a whole bunch of crabs of various varieties, a couple fish including what we thing was a flounder, but we didn’t see any lobster. We saw lobster traps, but no lobster. I suppose that leaves us something to look forward to on our next dive.
After returning the gear and returning to camp we pretty much did an about-face and headed off to dinner. This was the first time this season that I went to the 302 for dinner and it was good. We met up with some of the other staff there and then went to see Livingston Taylor in concert. That was a lot of fun, he is a great performer. I actually sang with him back in high-school at some concert in Newton. It was fun to see him again years later!
So, a pretty good day off, very fun and very successful!
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