This post was inspired by Kris over at Because or Why Not. She posted the meme and I thought it was a great idea. She didn’t tag anyone, but said that if we were interested, to mention her, so I did (besides, I like her blog).
I don’t know if this meme has a particular name, but essentially it is about making the blog a little more personal by answering a few questions and writing them out by hand. Many times in the past I have mentioned that I enjoy writing by hand. I write letters all summer to friends. I used to write home to my girlfriend-now-fiancee, but now she works at camp. So, if any of my readers want a letter, all you have to do is writ to me. The address for the summer is here on my blog somewhere.
So, yeah… Dying art of handwriting. Pick up the pen all of you and write something, don’t just bang away at the keyboard!
The meme goes like this: Pull out a pen and paper and answer the following questions in your own handwriting…
- What’s your name/your Blogger name?
- What’s your blog’s name/URL?
- Write “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy red dog”
- Favorite quote?
- Your favorite song?
- Your favorite band/singers?
- Anything else you want to say?
- Tag 3-5 other people
So here is my handwritten page (the scan isn’t the best, but it should be legible. if you have any problems I will upload a higher res version):

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