How did Google Come to Rule The Toobz?

I have been wondering why my GFC (Google Friends Connect) widget has been showing up as a blank box on my blog and frankly I thought that it was some issue on my end that broke it.  Turns out, and I am sure that I am probably the last person to hear this, that Google discontinued service for GFC if you don’t have a Blogger blog.

Ummm hello?!

Google, you have all my contact information.  You probably have more information about me than any other online service and you couldn’t send out a little email that said that you were discontinuing the service? You sent me all sorts of information about shutting down Wave, but GFC, which I used all the time and lots of my friends used, nothing. Screw you Google, why did you leave me high and dry on this one, the useful service, and give me lots of info about the crappy service?

The real problem is that it was actually a great service that allowed those of use self-hosters to connect with the rest of the blogging community in a very simple and easy way.  Google, you are good at making useful things.  NOw they tell me to use Google+ and make a page and put a widget, so I did, but there is no way for me to get my list of followers back.  Why should I use you? Well, I set it up just in case.

Then I searched the netz and found a new service, Linky Followers.  This is a new follow service that is completely platform independent, so you can put it on your blogger blog, or, or, or basically any other blog/CMS out there.  Of course it is pretty new and it seems to still be in Beta, but I think it has a lot of promise.  Plus it is not affiliated with Google, or Facebook, or a Facebook App, or anything like that.

So, for now, I have included a couple different ways to follow me again, and I hope that some of you will take a moment to re-follow me if you are still interested.  Pick the service of your choice, but give some serious consideration to using the Linky Followers as I have a feeling that it will have the most longevity of any of them.






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