Thankfully today didn’t start wicked early, we got to sleep until about 0600 so that we could be ready for an 0730 departure. On the other hand, we are doing another early morning tomorrow with an 0445 departure, so I m going to try to be brief so that I can get to bed.
We spent all of today shooting in Arches National Park with a break for some classroom time and lunch mid-day. The morning we spent shooting in the “Windows” section of the park around Turret Arch and Double Arch. Lots of fun opportunities there. After the classroom time we headed back to the park to the other vantage point of Delicate Arch. Certainly and interesting and different view, and much less of a hike to get there. This was the first time all week that I pulled out my long lens!
I finally think, after four trips to Arches, that I have got shots of Balanced Rock that do it justice. We got there just before sunset and the light was spectacular. Then as the sun sank lower We saw some amazing reds and purples show up on the rocks and mountains. This is the kind of like that allows you to see the “Purple Mountain Majesties!” I would love to share on of those images tonight, but I have not even looked at them yet. One of the other crazy things about the sunset was the line up of photographers all waiting for the magic moment. There were probably over 40 people there with cameras on tripods.
After the sun went down, as we started to pack up, this Japanese woman asked us to pose for a photo of us in silhouette against the sunset. So we did. Then of course more of the Japanese tourists came over to take our picture. This morphed into them asking us to do a jumping photo at which point almost 20 of them were trying to take our photo. After they spaced us out and counted us off a couple times, we felt like we were done, when one man said to us: “More higher!” we just quit. Of course we left them a card so maybe we will get a photo in email!
On that note, I shall leave you with an image for today as I hit the sack. This is Turret Arch:

As always, comments and critiques are welcome!
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