Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • DRM, P2P, Sharing

    Just a heads up, this post could turn into a bit of a rant. Recently I noticed that I was having issues connecting with the wireless network that has been deployed where I work.  For the sake of privacy I won’t name any of the organizations involved, just know that my direct employer operates under…

  • One more for the books

    Yesterday was closing day at Deer Valley.  Deer Valley is usually the first ski area in Utah to close, they like to maintain their image and it does get expensive to keep the place open.  This season may not have been as epic as past seasons, but it sure was a lot of fun.  Closing…

  • Foto Friday: Experiments in IR

    infrared – |ˌinfrəˈred|  (adj): having a wavelength just greater than that of the red end of the visible light spectrum but less than that of microwaves. Infrared radiation has a wavelength from about 800 nm to 1 mm, and is emitted particularly by heated objects. Infrared (IR) photography is not a new photography technique, however the advent of the…

  • Favorite books

    So, I have seen on a few of the blogs that I read that people are participating in Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop.  Basically, the idea is that she posts a set of prompts and people pick one or more to write about and then post their links on her site.  It has been something that…

  • Bloggerstock

    A few people from the 20SB gang got to chatting the other night.  The conversation started with some talk of 20SB’s blog-swap, which sounds like it should be a fun event.  We were thinking though, that creating a regular event  along similar lines that linked a bunch of bloggers together would be a really fun…

  • Most Bizarre Ski Day

    It is quite possible that yesterday was one of the best ski days of the season.  You know that it is going to be a good day when you get to the canyon road and they are advising 4×4 or chains.  You also know that it is going to be a good day when you…

  • Interpersonal Connections

    Last night I was catching up on shows that had piled up on the DVR.  It happens pretty regularly especially when we get into hang, focus and tech weeks at the theatre. So, after watching the Ugly Betty episodes and the Project Runways we got to the Episodes of House. I believe that it was…

  • Work Ethic

    There are nights that we finish up work at the theatre early and we head out to some local place to hang out with the crew.  Sometimes we head over to The Pie, which is a great pizza place right around the corner where they serve heart-attack-on-a-plate (basically more cheese than you have ever seen…

  • Into Another Wacky Week

    Shhhh!  Did you hear that? Yeah, that was my silence for the last couple days.  I suppose it is no biggie as I never claimed to try to blog every day!  However, we are into one of those weeks where time is very short.  We are into working on the final show of the season…

  • Memory, a fickle think…

    Oh, the thinks you can think! Memory is such an interesting thing.  I am not sure if we really remember all of the events of our lives, I am sure that people study this and there is probably an answer, but, in any event, we can’t recall/retell events long past.  Maybe the ones that had…

Got any book recommendations?