Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Hasa Diga Eebowai
Well, I am not sure that this really is the right title for this post, but it is the title that came to mind. If you don’t know what it means, well, you should just brush up on your musical theatre. So, you may have seen this image floating around the tubes, especially on Facebook.…
Photo Gallery!
As we near opening for our next show at the theatre I usually find myself with more free time, though I think that this time around my time will be taken up by getting ready for my honeymoon. This mainly will involve cleaning the apartment and packing. I am really looking forward to this trip.…
Where have I been?
Ok folks, it has been quite the long stint since I last posted here. Every blogger says it on a regular basis, but life has just been totally crazy. My last post was in May, before I went to camp, before I got married, and before the current season at the theatre. It was almost…
Bloggerstock May 2011: Before there were blogs…
It is that wonderful time again when a small but fierce group of bloggers attempts to take over the blogsphere for a day with Bloggerstock! Well, I like to think so anyway. This moth happens to be the one-year anniversary of Bloggerstock, which is pretty exciting. This month I have the pleasure of hosting the…
Mother’s Day
Happy mother’s day Mom! I have to saw, I have an awesome mother. Sure, there have been and probably will continue to be times that we don’t see eye-to-eye, but never the less, I love my mother. Of particular note, this year she qualified for and ran the Boston Marathon. Not only did she run…
JustHost – if that’s all you need
About a year ago I started surfing the web looking for a web host to host my blog, my fiance’s blog, and eventually the Bloggerstock website. Spent some time on Google and I landed on JustHost.com. They gett pretty high ratings when you search for hosting reviews. Almost always in the top 10 if not…
Bloggerstock: Photo Inspired
Well, it is that time again, time for Bloggerstock. Unfortunately the bloggerstock website is down and my site, once again was down for a bit. This post was posted and then lost into the ether. So, here it is again. Hopefully I will be able to get the bloggerstock site back up in the near…
Where does the time go?
It is hard to believe that the end of yet another season at the theatre is coming to an end. This is going to mark the end of my fifth season at the Pioneer Theatre. That is five years living in Salt Lake City, five years out of college, and five years living in the…
Hosting Issues: Need Your Help
So, I have been having some ongoing issues with hosting of my blog and some my fiancee’s and my other sites. We are in the playing with migrating web hosts and I have move some sites to a new host already. Suffice it to say, this weekend was an interesting weekend. I learned that even…
Handwriting: A blog meme
This post was inspired by Kris over at Because or Why Not. She posted the meme and I thought it was a great idea. She didn’t tag anyone, but said that if we were interested, to mention her, so I did (besides, I like her blog). I don’t know if this meme has a particular…
Got any book recommendations?