Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Winter Camping
So, I have one more backpedaling blog post that I wanted to write. This is what happens when you are out of touch with technology for a week. It felt pretty good to do that, but then when you come back and realize that you are behind on things, well, it never really balances out.…
Returning – Reunions
It has been quite the busy couple weeks. Last week started as tech for Dracula at the theatre and then ended with my flying out to Ithaca for the first ever All Theatre Alumni Reunion. The impetus for the event was the completion of the renovations on Dillingham Center, the home of the Department of…
Bloggerstock: “Spooky”
It is that time of the month again, time for bloggerstock! This month you get to read the writings of CkretsGalore! If you are looking for my post, you will find it over on Risha’s Blog: You Can Read Me Anything. If you are interested in Bloggerstock for the future, you can check us out…
Music on Monday: Way Over Yonder
So, I have been working on another song that I started to lay down some tracks for. I have to give my brother some credit for this one as he is the one who introduced me to the original Woody Guthrie tune and a recent cover by Billy Bragg and Wilco. I like folk music,…
Stage Moms
There probably are not too many people who would say that they like stage moms. All things considered, there probably aren’t too many people who really know what many stage moms are like. Everyone knows a soccer mom, they are the subject of many stereotypes. Stage moms are on a completely different level. I mean,…
Bloggerstock: Do-Overs!
Hello, and welcome to Bloggerstock, an online blogger festival of sorts! My name is Alexandra and I have a blog called the Tsaritsa sez. For this month’s Bloggerstock challenge the topic is “Do over.” I’ve written on the topic of regret before and thought I had it figured all out. I’m in a happy relationship,…
Theatre on Thursday: Diagnosis
For the past few days I have been trying to track down a phantom problem. It is only phantom in the fact that I can’t reproduce the problem outside of the show. That, I suppose, makes it definable is an intermittent problem. This of course, is the most difficult of problems to diagnose and to…
Theatre on Thursday: Bad habits
I find that when we get deep into production, my eating habits get tossed aside. It is possibly worse for my wallet than for me as I still try to eat decent foods, but no matter how you spin it, it isn’t the best of habits. I like to cook and I like home-made food,…
Sci-Fi Tech Today
I am vey much a sci-fi and tech geek. I am a gadget guy and many of the TV shows that I follow are found on the SyFy channel. I love to have the new toys (though I usually wait for the second generation of new devices) and I do try to find a use…
G’mar Hatima Tova!
This is a traditional greeting for the Jewish High Holidays (Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur). For those who live with their heads in the ground (though this is probably no one who reads blogs) or just don’t live places with a large Jewish community, today was Yom Kippur, the closing holiday of the High Holidays.…
Got any book recommendations?