As we near opening for our next show at the theatre I usually find myself with more free time, though I think that this time around my time will be taken up by getting ready for my honeymoon. This mainly will involve cleaning the apartment and packing. I am really looking forward to this trip. It is the first real vacation that Ruth and I will be taking alone together. It Should be really fun and I am sure it will feel like it was too short.
We also basically just got back from our trip to Disneyland with Ruth’s family. That was a lot of fun, and it has been quite a while since I have been to Disney. Ruth and I flew out and met the family there to spend outs first day at Knott’s Berry Farm. Smaller than Disney with big rides, but also way bigger lines. We stood in some pretty long lines to ride the rides. We actually took to calculating how many people the rides could move in the amount of time we waited in line. We actually waited around 3 hours for one roller coaster that was about a 20-second ride.
After Knott’s, we headed to Co Co Ichibanya (aka Co Co’s), a curry house that is starting to make a US presence, coming from Japan. Co Co’s was the Jones’ favorite curry house in Okinawa, so they will go out of their way to go there when they can. I don’t have anything to compare to, but it is darn good food!
Then it was on to Disneyland where we had two days in the parks including staying till about 1:45AM on New Years. Disney is a lot of fun even when it is wall to wall people. It is the place where everyone has fun, and if you take a moment to plan your day, you don’t have to spend forever waiting in lines. We managed to break the Pinocchio ride, as soon as we got in the car, bells started ringing and lights started flashing and they had to evacuate the ride. Then the fog rolled in so thick you could barely see 100 feet in front of you. We couldn’t see the New Years fireworks, but we did managed to get stuck in the crowd. We got to fight against the press and then this great little old lady helped us jump the ropes when the cast members weren’t looking so we could get out of the crowd. Good times were had by all.

Of course the other big thing is my photo gallery opening that was last week. For the month of January I have a display of Utah Landscape photography up at the JCC here in Salt Lake. It was very exciting to lay out all the prints and see them big and up on the wall. I don’t have the space to really look at more than one at a time at home. The opening reception seemed to go very well, there was a good turn out and I have since received a few emails asking about the images. If you are in the SLC area you should stop by and see the prints, otherwise you can see the images on my website.
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