Here it is, the first arrival from the 20SB Postcard Exchange. It’s a classic Sci-Fi card to boot, cool. I was starting to get worried that I was not going to receive any cards after I sent out all of mine. This one came in from Catherine over at SaidtheCat. According to her card I even have something on my blog that was of interest! How great is that? She also used a pretty cool stamp, but overpaid for postage by about 45¢. Since my wife has been working on her 365 Days of Postcards project, I am fairly familiar with domestic mail rates.
Postcards and letters are what connected me with another blogger who has turned into a great friend and trusty penpal. All things considered, if any of my Poscard Exchange partners are interested in continuing to correspond by mail, I certainly would write back!
I have said this many times in letters and on this blog, but I think that sometimes we lose touch with some of the “real-ness” of people in this age of email and text messages. There is really nothing that beats the excitement of receiving mail and the thought that has to go into composing it. Plus, handwriting is so much more personal. And of course in a situation like this where you are anxiously awaiting the arrival of mail that you know is coming, it is so much fun.
I hope that my other post cards have found their way to their destinations. If you are interested in writing to me, use my work address as I may be moving in the near future!

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