Stage Manager’s Log
M.S. Prinsendam
Thursday, June 1, 2006
Arracife, Lanzarote
Today we are in the port of Arracife on the island of Lanzarote. When I got up to go have breakfast I looked around the ship and didn’t really see any town or city. Most of what I could see from the ship was pretty industrial and not very appealing. So I snapped a few photos from the deck and then went in for the traffic director training. I have to say that for all of the work that they put into these trainings, they didn’t tell us anything that we didn’t already know. Especially since they showed us the same video during our initial orientation. I don’t know who comes up with all that, but it doesn’t really matter to me. The idea of this particular traffic director training was for the people who take care of the in port manning. So there always have to be a certain number of crew on board just in case there is an emergency while we are in port.
After the training we had rehearsal for the guest artist Bettine Clemen, a floutist. Rehearsal was efficient and went well. Bettine plays well and she played good music, but her films and what she taled about was a little not so interesting and maybe tacky or cheesey, I don’t know the best word to describe it. She was very happy with how I ran everything, so that made me happy.
After rehearsal I had some paperwork to take care of. Since this cruise is longer than two weeks I have to file a Voyage report every 14 days. Also the payday for all of the Indonesian and Philippino crew is coming up so I had to turn in the paperwork so they get paid. So I filled all of that out and then I had to go around and get a bunch of signatures before turning in the timesheet. So all that kept me busy for a while.
By the time I finished all that I didn’t really feel like getting off the ship, plus I heard a rumor that the shuttle ride was 20 minutes each way, which would have only left me just over an hour in town. I don’t mind, I don’t have to visit every place. Anyway, I know I will get off in Casablanca in two days, that should be fun.
So in the free time I had I grabbed some lunch and hung out on deck for a while then I went back to my cabin to relax for a bit. I thought I was going to relax, but the fire alarm went off so I had to sit around waiting to hear what was going on and if there was anything that I needed to do. It turned out that there was a faulty smoke detector or something so after the fire teams investigated we got off the alert.
Dinner at 1800 as usual. We discussed how we were going to try to have an 80’s party tomorrow in the OB. So we talked about what music we should have and what to wear and such. Then I had the game show, “The Liars Club” and then show time. After the two simple shows I went dow to throw a few rounds of darts and send some emails and then it was off to bed. We move an hour back tonight so that is nice.
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