It is bloggerstock time again! For those of you who don’t really know what bloggerstock is, it is a new take on a blog swap where instead of a 1-to-1 swap we make a ring. You can get more information about it over at the Bloggerstock website. This week I am bringing you Kara from Chatter. If you are looking for my post, it is over on Benny’s blog: “Young Urban Amatuer.” By the way, thanks to Toya for the new graphics!
Hello kids! My name is Kara and you can find me over on my blog, Chatter. I’m guest posting here today for Bloggerstock, a website that gathers bloggers together once a month to swap blogs for a day. June’s topic is “The Story of What’s On Your Desk”, and so without any further ado, let the rambling begin!
It’s hard to come up with what’s on my desk without babbling on for hours on end. (Okay, maybe not hours, but for long enough to make you go, “WTF WOMAN SHUT UP ALREADY!”) As I sat at work pondering what I would write about my place of Zen and solitude, I looked around and realized that nothing on my desk was very exciting. Nothing. I have no pictures of friends, significant others, or family, no cute little gadgets, nothing. Even my “desk” (which is actually a wooden TV tray) at home is boring.
You see, I just recently moved into my little home away from home at the beginning of May. I’m only just starting to feel comfortable at my new job and my surroundings, so I’m slowing starting to make it more “me”. For one, it’s freakishly organized compared to my coworker’s desks and I have to give up a little bit of space for communal objects.
The other day I figured I’d draw up a little doodle of my desk, just to show you how freaking boring it really is:

- My basket of things to do, be it customers I need to call or ads I’m waiting to complete.
- My pen mug. It has a funny face with a little 3D nose and it was there when I started. I don’t have the heart to get rid of him. Maybe I should name him. Suggestions?
- My day planner. It reminds me which days I work late, which days I work at my other job and it reminds me that the weekend is always further away than it seems.
- My computer monitor. It sits on a stack of paper for height and I’m so glad it’s a flat-screen so it doesn’t take up any precious space.
- The keyboard. Enough said.
- My squishy wrist supporter for my achy, carpel tunnelly wrists.
- The mouse. Double click away!
- The communal “To Do” basket. People just drop stuff off when they need something done, and it all goes into this basket until whoever’s available can do it.
- My telephone. Probably the coolest part about my desk since it’s BRAND SPANKING NEW. Everyone else’s is a horrible yellow colour.
- My box of Kleenex. My nose is always running. Always.
- Printer paper for the …
- … Printer. At least I don’t have to get up and walk to the printer. Ah, it’s good to be lazy!
So there you have it. There really is no story to my desk. Everything, except for the box of Kleenex and the wrist support thing, was there when I started. Even the stick man. No lies.
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