First Shopping Trip in 2 weeks…

For the first time in two weeks I ventured out to go shopping. Today’s trip included a stop at the Lancaster Costco and the Lititz Weis. The good news, I was able to get everything on my list, and it was not utter chaos. Frankly, checking out at Costco was never more efficient, they should have people directing traffic to registers all the time. Many thanks for all the hard work of the employees there. It is definitely a new sight to see the pallet maze out in front of the store, and line of people to get in. Everyone did pretty well maintaining social distancing.
Second stop was over to the Weis. Main goal was to pick up a prescription. The pharmacy was a little nuts, but other than that and the fact that apparently there had been a run on ginger (I got the last of it), the trip was successful.
So, there you have it. Shopping during COVID-19…
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