The days are long but the weeks go by so fast. Seems like only last week we began this crazy wild summer, and yet in reality we are closer to then end thans the begining. By the same token I feel like I have been doing this forever when in reality it has only been seven weeks. Well, the interesting thing about the schedule here is that I never feel like things are over. I mean yes, we did close one show already, but we have one more to open. Figure, nine weeks of shows with a show every night except sunday is 54 performances plus we have two matinees so 56, give or take, i dont’ know if the math is entirely correct. Whatever, the point is that it is a lot of shows. Changeover almost every night, or the next afternoon, just keeping busy.
Nights have been pretty lonely though. I come home alone most nights, though Bex has spent a number with me, so too has she spent many with other friends of hers, which is fine, at least one of us has a social life. I just thought that i was going to be able to spend more time with her, not to say we havne’t spent a lot of time together this summer, certainly more than last. We have spent a lot of time together, and it has been good time together, i suppose i just feel that there cold have been more of it, but this is me we are talking about, and i try hard not to impose on anyone, and especially bex. I believe everyone needs to be able to do what they need/want to do. I just wish that life was a little less lonely. I do have the dogs here with me while my family is away in Israel, but it isn’t quite the same. Plus, this weekend Bex is going to RI with her family so I won’t even get to see her.
On the other hand I think that Gabi, Jesse and I are going to try to fix the ceiling in the downstairs bathroom this weekend. it shoudl be an interesting project to say the least. I suppose i should put my screw gun on charge.
Gabi is the new carpenter for the last three weeks of the season. She is really nice, and fun to hang out with. Took her to North Conway last Sunday with Bex and Taro and Jesse, we had a good time. I felt a little bad for her since she has kind of been thrust into an awkward situation among the carpenters with Chad gone and Oliver and Ingrid trying to sort life out. There seems to be a lot of tension in the carpentry shop these days. Dan, Jesse and myself are doing just fine. I would imagine that it is mostly due to the fact that we have worked well together all season, and we get the job done efficiently and well.
Took more film to be processed today, and the slides finally came in, some are great, some are not so good. I think i will take the roll back to get some prints made tomorrow when i go to pick up the new film. There was a pretty decent picture of me in there balancing on the bridge in Littleton taking a picture, maybe if i get it scanned i can use it for some user icons here and there. I am looking forward to getting some of this film back, i think there will be some good shots in there.
That about sums up life for now, until later.
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