I am going to try to start up a couple theme days here in my ramblings. Being a photographer it seemed only natural to have a photo day. So, provided that I can be consistent about picking photos and finding something to say about them this should become a regular Friday feature.
So, I’m going to kick things off with the following photo:

This photo was taken at Dead Horse Point State Park in Moab, UT. One of my favorite things to do out here is go down to southern Utah and go hiking around the National and State Parks. This is beautiful country and there is a whole lot of nothing for miles around. I took this photo on my first trip to Moab after moving out here. I was on a trip with my brother, hiking and camping and exploring the natural wonders around Moab.
I found this tree while hiking on the Rim Trail that leads around the rim of Dead horse Point. There is something that I just find amazingly fascinating about these juniper trees that you find all over the Utah desert. This image has become one of my signature images. I have made a couple prints and given at least one as a gift. I also use it as the image on my business cards. I love photographing the world around us, there is just so much beauty. I suppose the other thing is that getting out there to get the shot is lots of fun as well.
Please don’t hesitate to leave comments and critiques, that is the best way for me to improve my work! To see more of my work just visit IceWolf Photography.
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