Well, I caught my first moose tonight. By “caught” I mean captured with my camera. I think that I have seen this guy before. I think that he (I am not actually sure it is a he) kind of hangs out in this particular area; maybe just to pose for the people driving down the road. It is almost inevitable though, that when you see a whole bunch of cars stopped on the road that there is a moose to bee seen!

This moose was not our first wildlife sighting of the day though. Being that it was our staff-week day off, I took Ruth over to Franconia to see our house there, meet my sister, and just have a relaxing day. We did a little bit of laundry as well, but that was not the goal of the day. After a relaxing day and dinner at home we loaded up the truck to head back to camp and that is when the fun began. Our first sighting was wild turkey just hanging out on the road. This is not too uncommon, but it is still pretty cool.
As we were driving out Rt. 114 towards Rt. 3 I was telling Ruth that we used to have a bear that like to hang around there and sometimes visit the area around the house. As if on cue, we came around a corner and there was the bear, almost in the middle of the road. It was pretty impressive timing. Our approach probably scared him a little as I wasn’t really expecting to see him so I had to slow down pretty quickly. At that point we didn’t have any cameras ready so we didn’t get a picture. Some animals I will chase to grab a photo, but I don’t think that going after the bear as he headed off to the woods would be a good idea.
As I mentioned earlier, our next sighting was on Rt. 302 right around milepost 42. This is between the Mount Washington Hotel and the AMC building at the top of Crawford Notch. We saw people pulled over and pulling off the road, so I was pretty sure that there was a moose there, and of course, there was. I managed to get a couple good shots of this guy before there were tons of people stopping which was cool. Moose are really cool, hopefully I will catch a few more before the summer is out!
After we dropped through Crawford Notch, Ruth caught the last sighting of the day. She spotted a bear with cubs off the road. I didn’t get to see them because I was driving, and, as I mentioned, I am not one to be chasing down bears, especially ones with cubs! So, I would say we are off to a pretty good start in terms of animal spotting.
Other than that, we are getting close to opening camp. We start having kids show up tomorrow and the big arrival day is Thursday. On Thursday I am doing a tour of New England to pick up kids, and adventure that will be starting at 5AM and going until all the kids get safely to camp. That should be a real adventure. That will be when all the fun begins though, I am looking forward to it. Camp will be a lot of fun when the kids get here.
For now it is time to rack up some extra sleep before the driving and the craziness that always ensues on arrival day.
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