Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
The Meaning of Summer
Inspired by prompt number five over at Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop: “What summer means to your family.” I do have to say, I consider myself very lucy because I have a job where I get the summers off, so I can actually do things in the summer. If you actually follow my blog you probably…
My Blog is Carbon Neutral
So there is this really cool thing that I discovered thanks to Island Gal over at NYC Island Gal and that is a German organization that is working on neutralizing the carbon footprint of the blogsphere. This is a pretty interesting concept, and the fact that it is free makes it even better. Sure, many…
Moose-tle Maine-ia
Well, I caught my first moose tonight. By “caught” I mean captured with my camera. I think that I have seen this guy before. I think that he (I am not actually sure it is a he) kind of hangs out in this particular area; maybe just to pose for the people driving down the…
Why is it that sometimes you think that you have a great idea, a thought for a post that couldn’t be better, but when you sit down to try to put the words on the page, it just doesn’t feel the same? I know that everyone feels that sometimes. I wouldn’t so much call it…
Moosing with Mike
Summer in Maine (or anywhere in northern New England really). This is the time to look out for moose. Every summer at camp we have one intrepid staff member who comes to camp with the exclusive mission of seeing as many moose as possible in the eight weeks that we are at camp. With the…
Photo Friday
I can’t believe that it is Friday again. In reality I think that I have pretty much lost track of time since I came out to the east coast for the summer and especially since I came to camp. I have been at camp for almost a week, it is crazy. I can’t wait for…
Airports and the Longest Day
Really I had thought that I would be writing this last night (which was really this morning) but when I actually got to the point where I could pull out my computer I was ready to pass out. Yesterday was one of the longest days (or at least longest feeling) and it was kind of…
What a Decade has in Store
Today I was given another award type thing from the wonderful Debbie over at Debbie: The College Years. Debbie is another theatre person, in fact she is currently studying theatre. We theatre people seem to have a knack for finding eachother in the world, it is a very bizarre and cool thing. This award is the…
Back in Maine
I have been talking about it for months, probably since the end of last summer, and now it is finally here. “What?” I hear you ask. Camp. I am back for my third summer at Indian and Forest Acres Camps in Fryeburg, Maine. Indian Acres (IA) and Forest Acres (FA) are brother and sister camps…
Bringing Down the House
Rick & Rocco’s Final Exam This year is the last year that classes will be held in the building that I went to high school in. Frankly it is about time. They have been working on the new building and it will open for use next year. The class of 2010 will be the last…
Got any book recommendations?