Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Weekend Waffles
One of my favorite things to do on the weekend is to make breakfast. I am always on the lookout for the perfect recipe for belgian waffles. I love waffles and I love tweaking recipes to get closer to perfect. There are a couple that I love that come from cookbooks, but It is interesting…
Photo: Canyon Tree
A Utah juniper on the edge of the canyon at Canyonlands National Park.
Foto Friday #9
I can’t believe it is Friday again. Another week that has gone by incredibly fast. So fast that I piled another post onto today by virtue of writing it so late in the evening (or morning). We have our meting where they will actually announce next year’s season for the theatre today. That should be…
The Human Impact
On Wednesday I wrote about how amazing this country and the open spaces is. It really is truly amazing and I enjoy being able to partake of it. There is a flip side to the coin though. I don’t really know why, but today I started to watch a couple of the Miyazaki films. It…
On Natural Beauty
Having spent a lot of energy thinking, blogging and posting on forums about politics and health care, it seemed like a departure to something less civilized might be nice. The inspiration hit me while having a late night chat with another 20SB member as the conversation turned to some of the more beautiful aspects of…
Health Care Reforms
The impetus for this post comes from a discussion on the topic over at 20SB that was started by Heather over at A lust for Words. Also of note, I wrote this post yesterday and held it for today, just because. Much of the text is is the same as the response that I posted…
Music on Mondays: I Love the World
I am sure that by now almost everyone has heard or seen the Discovery Channel’s commercials with the “I Love the World” or “Boom-de-ah-da” song. If you haven’t, you might just want to check it out below (I even linked a version with lyrics so that you can sing along!): From the first time that…
Photo Feature: Mesa Arch
Shot with a full frame fisheye lens, this image is just after sunrise at Mesa Arch in Canyonlands National Park
A Corned Beef Collaboration
Even though my girlfriend is off to France for the week I am still heading up to her family’s home for dimmer tonight. It is going to be a Corned beef collaboration. I love an excuse to make this corned beef recipe, and this seemed like a good one! I hope that you all enjoy…
Religious Leadership
I know that a few times I have mentioned that currently the synagogue that I am a member of is on the hunt for a new Rabbi. As I understand it, the reasons behind our old rabbi leaving is mostly political and financial. It is unfortunate that no matter what your religion may be, there…
Got any book recommendations?