Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Theatre Magic – 50 in 12 in 2
Some magicians never reveal their secrets, but for the impressive scene shift that we execute in Pioneer Theatre Company’s production of Clybourne Park, we decided to show it off. So, as both a technician and the staff photographer I kind of had my hands in the whole process and now have a cool time-laps video…
Postcard Exchange: Ready to Mail
Well my postcards for the 20SB postcard exchange are ready to mail (along with at least one extra). Thanks to the recent postage rate increase, the domestic cards get a healthy three stamps to get to the $0.33. I have to go over to the post office for the international ones because the rate has…
Shipping Art
Ok, here is a post that I have been dragging my feet on, but am finally getting out. Probably inspired by the latest shipping art that I received this week that really took the cake. Over the past year I have noticed a handful of people requesting and receiving what I have termed “Shipping Art.” After the…
20SB Postcard Exchange
While my lovely wife has embarked on an epic postcard project in which she is sending a postcard to someone every day, I thought that it might be fun to take on the 20SB post card exchange. I actually enjoy writing and receiving mail. I mean who doesn’t like receiving real mail. I would also…
Playing with Fire – Experiment #1
[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #9b9b9b;”] P [/dropcap] laying with Fire is going to be a new series of photography experiments that I just got the idea for. I was cruising the internets just kind of following links and suggestions on sites like YouTube when I stumbled across the concept of steel wool photography. It isn’t really a…
I Voted Early
Today I headed to the polls to do my civic duty and vote in the presidential election. Despite the fact that I live in a state where it would truly take an act of god to change the political views of the population. Utah is a “red” state, so as a liberal mind, my voting…
How did Google Come to Rule The Toobz?
I have been wondering why my GFC (Google Friends Connect) widget has been showing up as a blank box on my blog and frankly I thought that it was some issue on my end that broke it. Turns out, and I am sure that I am probably the last person to hear this, that Google…
The Geocaching Adventure
You may have noticed today that I added a page to my blog called “Geocaching Profile” (under the about tab). You may be asking what this is. So I figured that I should tell you. For those who have not heard of Geocaching, it is a global GPS “treasure hunt” where people hide caches around…
“Socialpunk” a deeper look
As I mentioned in my last post, I was asked to read and review Socialpunk, a new novel by Monica Leonelle. After reading the first 10 chapters in the preview, I anxiously waited to receive my copy of the full text. Thankfully it arrived in my inbox early enough last Thursday for me to load…
And I thought no one noticed
So, it turns out that some people actually notice my blog that I have not been so faithful to this past year (along with some other things that I really should have been). I suppose that is neither here nor there though. Anyway…. It turns out that last week I was contacted by a young…
Got any book recommendations?