Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Snow Dogs

    I don’t really have much to blog at the moment, but the dogs (Ava and Zoe) are cute in the huge snow in Franconia, NH.  I wish that I was able to romp around in the snow with the dogs.  For now we can all enjoy the video!

  • Knee Knews

    So, I finally had my MRI this past Monday.  That was much less exciting than I thought it would be, though it is still pretty cool.  Laying still for each of the scans is bloody difficult, and it doesn’t really help when the technician reminds you.  I almost ended up with a pretty good cramp…

  • Treatment Ahead

    So, if you follow mw on twitter you may have noticed a couple tweets about my dealings/frustrations with Workers Compensation (WCF) regarding my injured knee.  Here is the scoop.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I injured my knee at work on the day after Thanksgiving.  It has been a real bummer since then.…

  • Staying in Utah (for now)

    So, I got the call from CalArts regarding the job that I went out there to interview for.  After calling all of my references it sounded like they had narrowed down their search to two candidates, myself and one other person.  When they called this morning I was in our bi-annual “State of the Theatre”…

  • Totally Overwhelmed

    Today was one of the longest days and it was totally overwhelming.  The day really started last night after the show when we had to fix a moving light and some other cabling issues.  I had to totally strip apart one of the revolutions and re-build it, but it seems to be better now.  When…

  • Too Much to do, Too Little Time

    This is the post where I am going to tell about the secret project I mentioned a few times, but that is going to be towards the end of the post…. (just to keep you reading) Some of you may have drifted by the blog in the last couple weeks and wondered where I have…

  • This one time… In Middle School School…

    Today’s post is brought to you with inspiration from Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop.  Every week she posts a couple prompts and you choose one or more to write about.  It is a fun way to find something to write about and maybe get a few more hits on your blog.  I obviously don’t participate every…

  • You want to fit that where?

    We are working on what will probably turn out to be the second largest show of the season at the theatre and it has got everyone at the end of their rope.  The show is Irving Berlin’s White Christmas, the wonderful christmas musical by the good Jewish boy.  Smart guy, capitalizing on the prevailing American culture!…

  • Worm in the Apple

    What is worse than finding a worm int your Apple?  Finding half a worm. Don’t get me wrong, I would never trade my Mac for a Windoze machine ever.  I can’t stand Windoze and I really just tolerate the idiosyncrasies of Office because I have yet to really find a suitable replacement that is actually…

  • Saving Dalight (or not)

    I couldn’t really come up with a better title.  I had ideas for posts this week and now none of them seem worth writing about or inspiring or something.  It is quite possible that the recent events of the evening had an effect on that.  I had been thinking about writing something about election day,…

Got any book recommendations?