COVID Testing & The Waiting Game
Yesterday I went for my COVID testing here in San Francisco. I had made it this far into the pandemic without being tested, so this was a first for me. As Ruth put it “Get your brain assaulted by a cotton swab.” That about sums it up. If you haven’t been tested, it is not the most comfortable thing to have a swab shoved up your nose. It makes for a long ten seconds.
After the testing I really didn’t have anything I had to do except wait for results. So, I got as much prep done as I could on all the sites that I would need to submit data and testing results to, and mostly just hung out. Enjoyed some good food.
In the evening I met up with my cousins, Even and Jenna for an outdoor, socially distant dinner. Always good to spend some time with family and enjoy some good Mexican food. Not sure if you can get good Mexican in China…
Once the test results came through it was time to submit all the paperwork to the Chinese Consulate and wait for my health code to turn green. As I expected, my test results were negative, which is great. After uploading all the documents, certificates, and requisite selfie at the lab, the only thing to do was wait.

And wait…
and wait…
I had been hoping to get out for a bit of a walk, but playing the waiting game and possibly needing to re-upload documents I didn’t want to be far from the computer. It was kind of a tense afternoon as you need the green code to fly, and it can take hours and hours to get a response.
Finally, my health code came back green and I was able to relax a little bit. I went out and ran a few last errands and got a little fresh air. Had a really great burger delivered via GrubHub, and re-packed my bags so that I would be ready to head out in the morning.
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