Stage Manager’s Log
Ms. Prinsendam
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Atlantic Crossing Day 2
The nice thing about today was the fact that there was no time change. Loosing an hour is hard. I suppose it is probably better than loosing 5 all at the same time and getting jet-lag, but it still sucks to loose sleep time. The ship has really been moving today, I guess the seas are a little bigger today, but I don’t mind. It actually feels nice when you go to sleep. It is like being rocked to sleep. I still have to drag myself out of bed in the dark in the morning, but jumping in the shower and getting up on deck to go to breakfast helps a lot.
I decided to try the French toast for breakfast today along with my watermelon triangle and quarter cantaloupe. It isn’t bad, it could probably use some cinnamon, but it is breakfast. Then it was back to the lounge for the morning’s port lecture on the ports of Spain. I think I spent most of that time writing my log entries for the previous day and composing some emails.
After the lecture I had to change out a gel string and fuse in one of the scrollers on stage. Apparently the string snapped during the cast show the night before and thus jammed up the motor and blew the fuse. Luckily there was a spare fuse in one of the dead scrollers that was kicking around the light booth. The ship electricians are going to see if there are any more of the same type of fuses on board otherwise I will have to order some. Having to order fuses will give me an excuse to order a few other things that would be useful in the theatre. Computer disks, MiniDiscs, blank CD’s maybe headphones, and the fuses of course.
Next on the agenda was rehearsal with Salima Wazir. Rehearsal went well, it took some time to get all of the settings down to make Salima happy with her sound, but we got it. Many people have been telling me that I have been doing a good job, and Francois, the drummer seems to be particularly happy and keeps telling me that everything is sounding so much better. That certainly makes me feel good and less daunted by the job. I think for the most part I have the tech stuff down, and I don’t think the paperwork should be too hard.
I had lunch with the band and Salima out on the deck. It was a nice day. We listened to one of the other performing groups that is on the ship which was playing during the lunch hour on the Lido Deck. It is nice to be able to eat up there on deck as opposed to having to go down to the crew mess. There is the officer’s mess too, but being able to eat someplace with natural light is nice. As I may have said before, the food is kind of like glorified dining hall food, but it is good.
At lunch we learned that we were about 700 Nmi from FL and about 2300 Nmi from Portugal.
After lunch we had our afternoon lecture. I am not really sure what that one was about. I don’t really remember what I did during it. I probably watched TV or something. I just have to be there just in case things go wrong. Then I had time off, so I went back to my cabin to lay down and take a break. It is a good thing that I got new shoes and insoles because I am certainly on my feet a lot.
Dinner at 1800 as usual with the band and cast. They are a fun group. Dinner was nothing special, I had some pasta and sauce and a salad. We talked a little about how they are trying to record an original song, “The Welshman” in honor of Leigh, the music director, and his funny dance that got named “The Welshman.” They want to make a music video too, I don’t’ know when we are going to do that, but the song and dance are really funny.
After dinner we had a game show, the “Match Game” followed by Salima’s first performance. I felt bad because I messed up one of her projections, I am not sure what happened. I thought I had everything cued up right, but somehow the second video played when it was supposed to be the first. I fixed it all for the second performance, snapped a few photos, and made a recording. Now I just need to figure out how to get the recording off the MiniDisc and onto my computer. Chris (from the cast) has a firewire audio interface that I might be able to borrow to do that.
After the shows I went down to my cabin, changed and headed out to the OB for the debut of “The Welshman.” We also played one of the new board games that Chris and Rachel picked up in Fort Lauderdale called “Imagine If…” Basically what happens is there are questions and you have pick the answer that you think best suits one of the players of the game (decided by a roll of the dice). The people who have the most common answer win and advance their pieces on the board. It was fun. Then it was late and home I went, to bed.
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