Stage Manager’s Log
M.S. Prinsendam
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Honningsvåg, Norway
Today started like any normal day. I did get to sleep in a little, but not much. After breakfast I went down for rehearsal with tonight’s performer Izabella Zebrowska a violinist. We worked for an hour and only made it half way through the show before shorex had to use the lounge to get their tour organized. Needless to say I was unable to go on the tour I had a ticket for on account of the fact that we needed to finish rehearsal. Peter felt bad and made sure that I got my money back for the ticket, which was nice. I would have like to see the end of the world from on top, but we sailed around it at the end of the day.
We started up rehearsal again at 1400 and worked for another hour. Izabella is just one of those people. It happens I guess. Most of the other entertainers we get done with in an hour or less. Se la vie.
After Rehearsal a got off the ship and walked around the town a little. It is a very small town, and it started to rain. So, I got back on the ship and relaxed until dinner. After Dinner we had early showtimes so that everyone would be available for the scenic cruising around the North Cape. It was pretty amazing despite the rain and grey skies. The shows were ok. Izabella really only has a presence when she plays, if she didn’t talk, the show would have been better.
After the scenic cruising I went up to the Crow’s Nest to watch the midnight sun. I met one of the new entertainers for later this week, Scott. We sat and talked for a while, and then it was off to bed as tomorrow is a sea day so an early morning.
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