Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
You are a hotdog, but you better not try to hurt her, frankfurter!
So, another crazy thing that that has come through the news is the fact that your hotdog may be in danger. Everyone knows a hotdog, you may not like them , you may not want to know what is in them, but a hotdog is probably one of the most recognizable foods next to the…
Photo Friday #6
As the week draws to a close and i am about to go into a crazy busy week, it is time to post up another photo. Here is one that anyone who has been visiting my blog has been looking at, but may have never seen the full image. This one is the header image…
Finish your line, it’s my cue!
I feel compelled to write this short little post before I head off to sleepy land tonight. I went to another performance of The Rocky Horror Show at the U tonight armed with my audience participation script. As expected, it was not a full house and it was mostly oder people. There was only a…
Sex ED
So, I mentioned yesterday that Utah lawmakers shot down a bill that would have changed the way that sexual education is taught in public schools. I realize that often this is a sensitive subject everywhere, but it seems like if you are going to be able to teach sex ed at all, you might is…
I think I missed a couple days of writing. I actually missed a couple days of a lot of things. Well, maybe I am just missing days… It’s possible, anything’s possible. I feel like I am missing some days which is odd because I have been kinda on vacation but I have had a lot…
Recap, Rocky, Ralxing
It seems like it has been a while since I wrote anything about what is going on in life. It has been a nice relaxing week since I don’t have to be at the theatre every night pushing the GO button. I have been able to do things like get in a lot of skiing,…
Foto Friday #5
Here is a photo that I have posted over on my Project 365 site. Taken this week while shooting portraits, this just came out so nice! As always, comments and criticism are welcome and encouraged!
Ask me anything
I have noticed over the past weeks that more and more people are joining formspring.me, a social networking site based on asking people questions. As with many things, I didn’t jump on the bandwagon right away because I wondered what the point was. Who is really going to ask me questions? Who really cares enough…
Do What You Like, Like What You Do
I find the concept of “Do what you like, like what you do” to be very important for life. In the entertainment industry in particular I think that it is very important to find a job that you enjoy doing since the odds are that you will never make the money that you want to…
Live life for…
The other day I was riding up a chairlift at Alta with a couple of guys who were having a discussion about life. It is very cliché to say that the discussion was about living life to the fullest or living for the moment, but that was pretty much the jist of the discussion. What…
Got any book recommendations?