Stage Manager’s Log
M.S. Prinsendam
Monday, July 3, 2006
Stockholm, Sweeden
Today was a pretty easy day. I decided not to get off the ship today as I am not feeling to great. We had rehearsal for Jazzamatazz this morning at 1000.. Celina is running this show, so I didn’t really have to do anything except be there. After rehearsal I went back to my cabin and rested, napped, and watched a little tv. I think I ended up napping most of the day, and I do feel a little better. My plan is for after the show tonight to just go back to the cabin and go to bed. I suppose I am a little bummed to not have gone to see Stokholm, but I think that in the long run I will be better off. So that is about all I have to report for today.
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