COVID-19: “Quarantine” wk. 4, Furlough day 8

Today was definitely the first really nice day in the past couple weeks. Bright, sunny, and in the 60’s. A perfect day to get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors. So, after enjoying Ruth and EJ’s home made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, I loaded up the car with bike, trailer, and EJ, and we headed off to northern Lebanon County to H.M. Levitz State park.

I modified one of the LVBC routes to be a 10 mile route as opposed to a 30 mile route. I don’t think EJ would have been up for a 30 mile ride. So, we did a truncated version of the “Horses and Creeks” ride, which certainly lives up to its name. We saw lots of horses, farms, and creeks. For a ride that only had 650 feet of vertical, a lot of that was steep. It was more work than I anticipated, especially with the trailer.

After our ride, EJ and I spent a bit of time enjoying the mostly empty park. We went and splashed and threw some rocks in the creek, and walked along one of the trails for a bit. We only actually saw one two other people, though there were a couple other cars by the time we were working our way back to our car.

Other than that, hopefully with EJ and I being out of the house for a good chunk of the day left Ruth with some quality time to get some mask making done.

All in all, a pretty good day.






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