Today was our first day in NYC on field studies. It has been quite exciting. We arrived last night, Steve and I drove down together, parked at Hollie’s and took the LIRR into the city. We met up with everyone else here at the hotel, and spent a few minutes in the bar with some friends and alums. Off to bed at a reasonable hour since we had to be up and at our first meeting at 9 AM.
First trip of the day was to the Deadalus Scene Shop. I think the point of this trip is to get us all used to riding the subway here… Of course there is Steve, who managed to get himself stuck outside the turnstyles trying to get into the subway. Lucky for him, he was helped out by a fellow member of Red Sox Nation. It was amusing. In any event, the scene shop was fun, interesting to see how things work at a small size professional shop.
We found a small pizza shop near Deadalus for lunch and then headed back to midtown to pick up the van for a drive over to PRG. PRG is the largest lighting rental and sales provider for entertainment in the world. We have a bunch of IC alums there like Joe Kalal, Adam S-B, Ken Bruns, and more. It was pretty cool to see the place where we do a lot of business.
Then after dinner we were off to see [Title of Show] which was great.
More tomorrow
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