Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Dog Sledding with Aerosmith
This post is inspired by the number one prompt this week from Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop: “Write about an experience you have had with a celebrity.” My father works in broadcast television. Something like 17 years ago, he and one of his friends founded a company called VideoLink. VideoLink provides satellite and fiber-optic transmission services…
What a Monday Night
I made my PTC stage debut today in quite an unfortunate situation. We had a flying piece that snagged on one of our curtains as the curtain was moving and it broke one of the pick lines. These pick lines are made of 1/8″ steel aircraft cable, so it take a pretty goodly amount of…
Weekend Baking: Chocolate Chip Cookies
I am dedicating this post to a blogger friend of mine, Ella Unread as she has been longing for good cookies. This recipe is one of my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipes. The original recipe comes from the people at America’s Test Kitchen. That is probably what makes the recipe a little more technical, but…
Foto Friday #12
I really can’t believe that it is once again Friday. I mean, where did this week go? I suppose I know where the week went, I spent it sitting around a dark theatre in rehearsal. While that was going on, it was mostly a nice week outside… So, in honor of it being a nice…
Thursdays on Theatre
Our production of 42nd Street opens tomorrow. That marks the final opening night of the 2009-2010 season here at the theatre. It is really amazing how it feels like we just started, and yet we have been at it for almost nine months. As usual, the weeks leading up to this opening (like this week)…
Glitter, Ropelight, Cycs…. Action!
For those of you who don’t know, glitter is like the herpes of the theatre and crafts world. What do I mean by that? Well, if you get glitter on you, that is it, you are stuck with it for life. Then if you go near anyone else, or if you come in contact with…
Music On Mondays
It has been a while since I have done a music post on Monday. Last night I pulled out my guitar to play for a while as I was feeling inspired by the nice weather. I like playing the guitar, and I am looking forward to the summer and being back at camp and doing…
A Day Off!
Finally, after quite a long week at the theatre I got to have a day off today. I got to sleep in! Today I just got to relax and it was pretty amazing. Sure, tomorrow I have to go back to the wind and grind for what will be a very long week, but that…
Foto Friday #11
One of the photographers whose blog I follow always has great advice. One of the tidbits that he has mentioned for people who want to be professional photographers is to find some niche in the market. So, what I do, which seemed to be a natural fit, is shoot for theatre. I do production stills…
The best thing about being a blogger…
Yesterday was the day of the of the 20SB Blog Swap, an event for bloggers to literally swap blogs with eachother and possibly reach a different audience. 20SB was also kind enough to give us a topic to blog about, which always makes writing a little bit easier. Unfortunately, I never received a post from…
Got any book recommendations?