Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Impulse and Opportunity

    I don’t really think that it would be great for me to publicly talk about what I have been working on quite yet as all of the details are totally up in the air and I don’t want to send the wrong impressions to some people.  I do feel however like I need to say…

  • Back in the Saddle Again

    Many people look forward to the time that they take off from work.  Some may not really care one way or the other.  For me however, it is fun to be back in the swing of things at work.  Now I suppose most people who visit here know that I work in theatre, but now…

  • Wait… What…

    Well, it has been quite a while since I posted anything.  Life got really exciting and hectic at the end of the summer.  The end of camp is always a bigger deal than you ever remember it to be, and this summer was no exception.  I had more things on my plate in the last…

  • I want to linger

    Mmmm I want to linger Mmmm A little longer Mmmm A little longer here with you Mmmm It’s such a perfect night Mmmm It doesn’t seem quite right Mmmm This is goodnight and not goodbye For all we know We may never meet again Before you go Make this moment sweet again We won’t say…

  • Bloggerstock: Potential Postcards

    It is that crazy time of the month again, when bloggers unite for a little blogging fun known as bloggerstock!  This month I am happy to be hosting a good blogger friend and fellow founder of Bloggerstock, Shinxy.  She never fails to speak her mind and she is always interesting to read.  Hopefully you all…

  • Office Duty

    It isn’t very often that I get to sit in the office while not much happens at camp.  I do it when I need to, which isn’t such a regular occurrence, and in the long run, I don’t really mind doing it.  In the wake of parent’s weekend there isn’t really a lot going on…

  • Time Flies When…

    Time really just seems to fly and stand still all at the same time.  We say it all the time at camp (and I probably say it here a bunch as well): “The days are really long, but the weeks go by fast!”  Days like today (though most days at camp) just seem to go…

  • Rainy River Romp

    It is a rainy summer afternoon, no thunder and lighting, just rain.  What would you rather do: sit in a hot sweaty gym and watch a movie, sit in your cabin reading or playing card games, or get out on the field and play an amazingly disorganized game of flag football?  Even if you think…

  • The Evening After

    Have you ever noticed that the sunset is usually significantly more exciting and colorful on an evening after a storm?  I suppose I could just be making that up or dreaming it, but I think that it is true.  When the clouds break up and the sun gets low in the sky the golden color…

  • Where did this week go?

    All things considered, it is kind of hard to follow my last post.  Needless to say, it has been quite along week.  We have a saying at camp: “The days are very long but the weeks go by too fast!”  It is so true.  Sometimes I wonder if shows like 24 could really happen in…

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